


99 w magazynie

SKU: MMP666 Kategoria: Tagi: , ,


This EP was recorded by the brothers:

Daniel “Skallor” Warakomski – vocals Kamil Bano Janowski – bass St. Tommy – drums Mighty Mike – guitars

With special guests:

Arkadiusz “Rusty” Żurecki – solo and music on Everybody’s Got a Broken Heart Łukasz Pękacki – solo on Diffenbachia

Recorded at Kotłownia Studio by Tomasz Dziedzic. Mixed by Krzysztof “Leon” Leonard – No Fear Records Mastered by Hear Candy Mastering Very special thanks to Jacek & Anna Szary – MediaPixel.

Mighty Mike Productions

Photos: Dorota Grzegorczyk, Patrycja Długosz Artwork: Piotr Tluszcz

  1. Take Me In Your Arms (3:46)
  2. Diffenbachia (3:52)
  3. Everybody’s Got A Broken Heart (3:20)
  4. Dr X (4:43)
  5. Above The Light (4:37)

  Sick Saints was conceived by the Mighty Mike many years ago. For years, he was looking for the best of the best to form the band’s line-up. Finally, in 2020 he found the right men for the job. They promptly began the recording of this very album and hit the stage, playing their debut show in Kraków on 29th February 2020. And then, the world grinded to a halt. Two years later, when the pandemic subsided, Sick Saints found themselves facing a new reality. The line-up has changed. The world itself has changed. But one thing remained the same – Mike’s devotion to music and to the band he brought to this world. Hand in hand with St. Tommy, his brother-in-music, they endured and poured all their energy into their music progeny – here it is, SICK SAINTS.